Wednesday, November 5, 2008

equal protection

with CA going for a constitutional amendment against gay marriage, does that mean we have to go Federal on the issue?
why is the government in the business of marriage anyway?

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

5/9ths of the way

So I took my last final (for this quarter) today. Trademarks...BAH! What a fuck-up of a test.
We had time issues, very little of what we actually learned was on the test, and going through a 10-part equitable test more than once is just simply annoying.
But at least its done. Now, a week and a half of relaxation and postmodern linguistic theory. What a mindfuck that that would be part of my relaxation time... Well, at least it will be interesting.
Heading to the 'Nati. Skyline, thrift stores, snow, and Jess - it'll be great. I am definitely looking forward to doing some real hardcore laying in bed. Hopefully I can figure out SEPTA before I've gotta make my way to the airport.
Si se puede!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

provisional accreditation

So they just announced that Drexel Law has been provisionally accredited by the ABA. I guess this means that I'll be a real lawyer. That is, of course, if I pass the Bar.
But first, I should worry about passing my exams on Monday and Tuesday, rather than writing in this silly thing.
Well non-existent friends, off to more Model Rules of Professional Ethics.
Half Moon!!

Now playing: Queen - '39
via FoxyTunes

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Hello World

So, this is my first post. I have nothing really profound to say, but hopefully that will not always be the case.
I'm just watching election results (read: not studying for finals), and I am astounded. Obama keeps holding Clinton under 40%. Incredible...